ガンボ、ジャンバラヤ、オイスターをJazzのリズムに合わせて食べてみませんか?今回は、Jazz Festival に合わせて訪れた時に実際に訪れたお店たちを紹介します。どこもおいしくておススメです。
The Ruby Slipper Cafe
The Ruby Slipper Cafeのページはこちら
Here is The Ruby Slipper Cafe.
It is excellent for breakfast. The only disappointment was the long line for waiting and noisy caused by construction. Now maybe done. Look back again, it was very heavy for our stomach.
Original T shirt is good for the gift.

Felix’s Oyster Bar & Restaurant
Felix’s Oyster Bar & Restaurant のページはこちら
Here is Felix’s Oyster Bar & Restaurant.
We went at night. We can hear the rhythm of JAZZ by children hit the bottom of the can from opened door .

The court of two sisters のページはこちら
Here is The court of two sisters.
JAZZ BRUNCHは、中庭でJazzの演奏を聴きながら、食事ができます。天気のよい穏やかな日には最高です。Eggs and Omeletsは目の前で調理してくれますよ。
JAZZ BRUNCH, We can eat in the court with Jazz. Sunny and warm days are excellent here. Eggs and Omelets is served after order.

Golden chips
Golden chips は、こちら
Here is Golden chips.
At night, after listening to jazz, we went here. The fries are Belgian, so they are different from the others. We can choose some sources and enjoy the variations. The fried chicken was delicious too. I remember that shop open till late night.

Cafe Du Monde
Cafe Du Monde はこちら
Here is Cafe Du Monde.
ニューオーリンズに来たなら必ず行かなければいけない カフェオレとベニエといえば、Cafe Du monde。砂糖の粉が飛びまくって真っ白になりそうな店です。
If you come to New Orleans, you must go to Cafe du Monde. Sugar Powder fall like snowing in this store .

The Camellia Grill
The Camellia Grill のページはこちら(公式ページではないようです)
Here is The Camellia Griil. (It doesn’t have Official Page)

Acme Oyster House
Acme Oyster House は、こちら
Here is Acme Oyster House
We went in the afternoon, but there was a long line. The next store is also an oyster house, but it was difficult to know which guest is. Because it may be small. It is a famous oyster restaurant. If you go to New Orleans, you should go. If you don’t want to join the line because there are several, you can go to another store, but wait in line. If you wait in line, and your turn comes, you will not be able to enter if all of you are not ready. Keep in touch if you don’t want to be postponed the order.
